"When I deposit my life or my soul in faith into Christ's care as I trust Him for salvation, where does my soul go? The text tells us first that it goes into Christ's hand. Then it tells us that the hand of God the Father is also involved. So my soul is held in the two-fisted grip of the Father and the Son! Good security, wouldn't you say? And the Bible tells me that the Holy Spirit plays a part, also. The Holy Spirit immediately seals me in Christ the very moment I trust Him for salvation (Ephesians 1:13, 4:30). I am sealed in this total arrangement - in Christ's hand and in the Father's hand (in eternal salvation) - by the Holy Spirit.
Now, if the devil is to get me out of this position, what must he do? First, he must break the Spirit's seal. No small task, because the Spirit is fully and totally Almighty as God. But if Satan could break the seal of the Spirit, he then would have to break the grip by which God the Father holds me. No small task! You may be sure that Satan does not have the power to accomplish it. But if he could break the seal of the Spirit and the grip of God the Father, then he would have to break the powerful grip of Jesus the Son. No small task! If Satan accomplished all this, he would have totally overcome God Himself in all of His Personhood and Power. Of course, this is totally impossible. However! If Satan can break the seal and the hold of God on even one of His children, Satan can do it with any and all of God's children!! If Satan can get one saint out of his position of security, he can get all saints out-because no single saint has any more or any less security than any other saint. All born-again people are equally secure in Christ...Thus, if Satan can get one Christian out of his position of security in Christ, and he does not get all Christians out, the only possible reason is that he must not want to (because if he can get one out, he can get all out.) Therefore, if that were true, any person who gets to heaven finally GETS THERE ONLY BY THE GRACE OF THE DEVIL!!! What kind of salvation is that, anyway? No, once the salvation deposit is made, it is secure forever!"
- Herb Hodges, "Fox Fever" pp. 24-25.