Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ray Ortlund on Contextualizing the Gospel

He said, "It's a moving target...think of it this way"

The vertical line is "message" - at the top is "law" and at the bottom is "grace."

The horizontal line is "communication" - to the left is "under-adapt" and to the right is "over-adapt"

Just like a target, you want to hit it dead in the center: the message should be one of grace and law, and the communication should be neither under-adapted nor over-adapted, but right between the two.

It's improbable for churches to teach/preach in the following two manners:
1) More law than grace in the message while over-adapting in communication (Hence the "X" in the top right quadrant)
2) More grace than law in the message while under-adapting in communication (Hence the "X" in the bottom left quadrant)

Here is where the problem does lie...
1) More law than grace in the message while under-adapting in communication (Hence the circled "X" in the top left quadrant)- Do you know any churches like this?
2) More grace than law in the message while over-adapting in communication (Hence the circled "X" in the bottom right quadrant) - Do you know any churches like this?

Pray for the Church to hit the bulls eye.

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